Online Ministry serving The Body of Christ


“Where are those quarters…”

Where are those quarters to donate that fell out of my jeans?

Although the above image may bring a smile to your face, a few quarters a day adds up. is an American Family Operated Non Profit Company, 501(c)3.  Your donation is tax deductible to the IRS limits of the law. As a non profit, our ministry and its works are funded 100% by you and our many prayer partners.  Our ministry is prayerful and faithful to our calling to “proclaim the Kingdom of God and perform healing through prayer.”  Your donations are used to fund this calling and support the many reoccurring expenses required to operate a diverse ministry.

Prayerfully consider a donation of those three quarters a day you found in the dryer, on a recurring monthly basis.  That is $22.50 a month, so if your lucky and find a few more pennies please consider a more generous donation.  Recurring monthly donations provide our ministry the framework to manage a monthly budget more effectively.  Recurring donations are easy to start and stop at any time.  Many contributors donate $50, $100 and $500 one time and recurring monthly donations.  Thank you for considering us and we’ll keep you posted on our growth and ministry plans.

Praying for the Body of Christ,


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